About Us

OUR HISTORY A great many organisations have sprung up in the social field of Hendon life during the last 93 years. Some have flickered fitfully and died; some blazed in glory for a brief moment and disappeared as quickly as they arrived. Other organisations, founded on a solid basis of service to the people, have created notable records of good work and have become an integral part of the social structure of the Borough. Such an organisation is the Rotary Club of Hendon, which from small beginnings in 1927, has grown and expanded until its influence can be felt in every sphere of local activity. Many of Hendon’s most prominent citizens have been members of The Rotary Club of Hendon.  

Ever since its creation, nearly 93 years ago, members have devoted themselves to working for the good of the people. The Club has supplied equipment for the Royal Free Hospital, helped with the purchase of ambulances for an old age home, enabled poor families to have a holiday, donated equipment to schools and provided help wherever needed to both young and old underprivileged members of our community. The club has a special fund to help the needy in our Borough of Barnet.

Internationally, the Club’s major international project is to support the Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital in Jodhpur/India wholast year alone, through our help, have performed over 2,000 cataract operations, saving the sight of poor villagers who without our help would end up permanently blind!  

WANT TO VISIT US? We would welcome your visit. Please call our Secretary and leave a message to say that you are coming.

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